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Draft Pick (1/10)

  1. penis penis penis penis. I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS FOR 8 YEARS!
  2. And why am i still, yet to see a new yankee stadium? Do the yankees not matter all of a sudden?
  3. What difficulty slider do you recommend using with this
  4. FXAA mod basically means that it changes lighting, colour, sharpening etc. So yes. Graphics.
  5. All we need now is someone who can put a lot of time into making a brilliant one of these. The right sharpening, right colours, right lighting etc. And then you would have mlb 12 the show!
  6. I dont get it. What does this do other than change the menus and layout? Any graphical improvements?
  8. Will download once al east is done :)
  9. exrxixx will you be adding all the other teams as this mod is pointless if it only works with 3...
  10. Also can you tweak the difficulty slider a bit. Its a little weird. Pitching is a little too fast on 80 i prefer 75. Contact is way too low i think. I have it on 30 instead of 5. And the outfielding and infielding run speed is on 45 way too fast! I much prefer the default 20 or even 15 since even on 20 the outfielder still constantly make web gem catches. But baserunning speeds are fine as with whatever you did to the ball trajectory etc.
  11. OMG MAN THIS IS SO AWESOME! If you can do this for all the al teams i would love it. For so long I have been trying to tweak all the players speeds and tweaking the base running speed in the difficulty sliders and changing the infield and outfield throw speed because in the game they just run so god damn sloW! THis would really help! Also the new ball trajectories is also awesome. Maybe now there wont be so amazing outfield plays all the time and it would be easier to get the ball to the wall etc. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Make an update with the yanks :)
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