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Turner Field Renovation


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Hello out there. Well after 2 years, I've decided to come out of hiding and continue where I left off with Turner Field. In '05 I released a Turner Field day version, but never got around to the night version.

With the Braves doing so poorly, I felt the need to continue my dynasty and in the process rebuild my stadium. Over the past few weeks, I've been messing around with OEdit and Photoshop once again, and in the near future I plan to release an enhanced and updated day version as well as a night version.

Here's a sneak peak of right and right-center:



In the meantime, what have I missed over the past 2 years? :)

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Thanks Pirate, I appreciate that. You guys have made this game incredible. This '07 version is better than ever. I hope to be able to contribute to the '08 edition.

Turner is coming along nicely, heres some big screen shots:

Sorry about the scrolling. Try these links if its easier:









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pm - one thing I'd suggest...open the lighting.csv file in your ...EA SPORTSMVP Baseball 2005datastadium folder. Change turnday,02dusk to turnday,02 day, save the spreadsheet and then close it. I think this lighting really makes the visuals pop more than the dusk lighting. Of course you'd need to throw in a "bluer" sky as well. Just my $.02

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