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Project Zmod Stadiums 08


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The concourse meaning simply where you can walk underneath the stands. The 3rd base concourse area on the redsox.com link I sent you is only a little underneath the top of the seating bowl, while it is substantially below on the 1st base side.

It's messed up.

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so whats different about this fenway park and the 1 in the game? just the ads or did they make a change to it ??

Play at rolie`s dodgers ballpark and you ll see the difference its fantastic what the guy and rest did with stadiums

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Sean, I superimposed the the blueprints I found but they were outdated. I added the green parts for the added suites and seating. I used google earth, which is pretty valuable, you can save super high res images, but is outdated also.

Lemme know if I'm missing something. I want to check with you before I jump into this part. You can zoom for higher res.


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I started the lowerbowl/seating. I had to increase the slope because I don't think its realistic to put 40 rows full of 3d crowd. It's down to about 25-ish. The biggest performance killer in DS was the 3d seating each SEAT was 50 polygons. In Fenway each separate ROW is 4 polygons. 2 for seat and backing. I'm looping the mapping so less polygons the better. This should fix some aerial camera views too.

heres a very early pic, modelling the lower bowl looks way better than keeping it flat


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Rolie, here's a hint of how I do the full lower bowl: alternate the verticals in two separate parts. That way, you can do a select-all in oedit and shade one of the parts, then another color for the other part. It saved me a ton of aggravation in Braves. Otherwise when you're at ground level it looks like a flat grey wall. The horizontals can be a different color since with height the effect doesn't really take place.

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Yes Good advice. I'm gonna do it that way. I haven't textured it yet but that would save texture space. I plan adding a slight highlight to all my textures to give it that bloom punch.

The right field corner looks to be pain in the royal ***.

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Yes Good advice. I'm gonna do it that way. I haven't textured it yet but that would save texture space. I plan adding a slight highlight to all my textures to give it that bloom punch.

The right field corner looks to be pain in the royal ****.

No arguments there. Don't even try it until I get you pics on Saturday, because it is so bizarre I'm not even so sure of how it comes together.

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ok, I suck at taking photos. Seriously embarrassing.


I'll be going again in a few days, and I'm also getting a decent-sized memory card through amazon (I take so few photos I didn't even realize I had a pathetic 32 MB; a 2 GB is in the mail). Just guide me for what you need, I tended just to go for that which I deem necessary when I draft parks. Then again, I tend to use source material to create it by scratch in VW, so using these for textures could be a mess.

let me know.

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Ok hell yeah great pics Sean! You hit some of the blind spots I couldn't figure. And you took some pics that I didn't even think I knew existed. Excellent! You seem to have a knack for taking pictures nobody else does. So if you go again just take whatever else you think I may need.

I found some more pics of that right field area and It looks like there are 2 or 3 different slopes around that area. I guess it's one of those quirks they never wanted to fix.

You said the tile roof ended at section 23, do you know where it starts?


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I'll check for where it starts, didn't even think of it along the RF side. I'll check it out. I should have one of those little ikea ruler things, so I'll see if I can get some measurements of the rake in RF.

Anything else you can think of, let me know. Going on the 12th.

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rolie let me know if you can access this album, I got some skyline shots that may help but i'm not sure, they didn't have the side rotating ads at these two games so i couldn't get those but I hope the sky line ones help, also do you plan on adding the tarp?

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Tarp, yes definitely put it in. Heck yeah those will definitely help, especially those background images. Thanks

edit- thanks for the host, it's easier to download everything, unlike flickr you gotta click forever.

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