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Cypher, if i were just starting out, as mcoll has suggested I would go to downloads section of this site and pickup the 2k15 total conversion mod. Next, as Greenfan pointed out, i would get an updated roster from the  "PC MLB 2K MOD" page on facebook. That is the basics. If you would like to take it a step further? I would pick up jersey, accessory & stadium updates from this site as well. Particularly the brilliant work of raidersbball2Kccitystarguaro1379,  DaSteelerz & debsterfan. Install directions should be located in Readme files packed with each download, in addition to multiple threads found on this site.. explore. Also, IMO, live with the date change. Goodluck.


Thanks for the reply my dude. I'll take those suggestions and see how far I get. 

Bless, C

Let's Go Mets!

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What's good dudes!!! Have some questions, if anybody can help answer them. I was able to get a digital copy of 2k12 for the PC and other than the whole change date issue, it works fine. I was able to get rosters (the latest Korean roster about 3 weeks ago), and some other downloads from this site (like stadiums, unis etc) but I noticed something odd. When I accessed the players on each roster, all of the newer players (meaning rosters/players not on the original 2k12 game), had generic faces. Are cyberfaces a separate download from the rosters? Do you have to download each players cyberface file one by one or is there 1 downloadable file(s) with all of the faces? Lastly, I know making this game current/up to date, is a hard job and very time consuming but I haven't seen an update in about a month. Are there people still working on this project?

Thanks Again, 


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most are done by teams. there will be a few that that are single person cyberfaces, but not many on that method and usely are updated cberfaces or because they where missing from there team and/or a newer player at the time of the the rest or being made wasn't with there team/or in the majors generally speaking.

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Thanks for the reply Mcoll86. Is there a link to download  a batch of cyberfaces? 

Most CFs are divided by team now, so you just download team packs and you're done. Although, I suggest you dig deep in the archives, since there are some really good ones that have been posted a while ago, that have been posted singularly or in smaller packs of 3 or 4 players each ;) If you don't wanna dig deep, then you can still download the CFs from the 2K15 total mod...

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Most CFs are divided by team now, so you just download team packs and you're done. Although, I suggest you dig deep in the archives, since there are some really good ones that have been posted a while ago, that have been posted singularly or in smaller packs of 3 or 4 players each ;) If you don't wanna dig deep, then you can still download the CFs from the 2K15 total mod...

How do I do that my man! Do I just download the Total mod and pull the cyberfaces from that? Also, I mentioned that I haven't seen any new updates on the rosters BSU started, are those still being worked on?

Thanks, C

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How do I do that my man! Do I just download the Total mod and pull the cyberfaces from that? Also, I mentioned that I haven't seen any new updates on the rosters BSU started, are those still being worked on?

Thanks, C

BSU abruptly went incognito months ago, I've been downloaded a roster update from the MLB2K12 facebook page, if that's any help.  Somebody had uploaded a roster after the trade deadline. Don't know if a newer one has been done.

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BSU abruptly went incognito months ago, I've been downloaded a roster update from the MLB2K12 facebook page, if that's any help.  Somebody had uploaded a roster after the trade deadline. Don't know if a newer one has been done.

Do the new rosters from the 2K12 Facebook page have the cyber-faces included? The only things I want to start a season are updated rosters, stadiums, unis, and real/close to real faces. I don't really care about a real schedule so, the cyber-faces are the missing component. Thanks to everyone who replied to my comments, appreciate all the help!


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How do I do that my man! Do I just download the Total mod and pull the cyberfaces from that? Also, I mentioned that I haven't seen any new updates on the rosters BSU started, are those still being worked on?

Thanks, C

BSU abruptly went incognito months ago, I've been downloaded a roster update from the MLB2K12 facebook page, if that's any help.  Somebody had uploaded a roster after the trade deadline. Don't know if a newer one has been done.

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Do the new rosters from the 2K12 Facebook page have the cyber-faces included? The only things I want to start a season are updated rosters, stadiums, unis, and real/close to real faces. I don't really care about a real schedule so, the cyber-faces are the missing component. Thanks to everyone who replied to my comments, appreciate all the help!


CF's are separate. They are in the downloads section though.

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Guys I'm new to all this. I have an Xbox one, so I don't have the option of a Baseball game. I'm intrested in do this, but I don't know where to start. I have a gaming pc and everything.... but how do I get all of this updated content after I buy 2k12??? I'm lost lol

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Guys I'm new to all this. I have an Xbox one, so I don't have the option of a Baseball game. I'm intrested in do this, but I don't know where to start. I have a gaming pc and everything.... but how do I get all of this updated content after I buy 2k12??? I'm lost lol

Every mod has documentation or instructions on how to install them.

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Hello. is this mod completed and ready for access by download? I have been following soneone on You Tube who has a great 2016 Texas Rangers franchise. Unfortunately no link to the file is listed. I would love to use one with the current managers and schedule. thank you

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Hello. is this mod completed and ready for access by download? I have been following soneone on You Tube who has a great 2016 Texas Rangers franchise. Unfortunately no link to the file is listed. I would love to use one with the current managers and schedule. thank you

There is no complete "mod".

This is just a thread for modders who are updating their works (uniforms, stadiums, portraits, rosters) to 2016 to keep each other and everyone else up to date on what's going on. As far as I know there's no roster out right now that has a 2016 schedule and the person who handles rosters has not been active on the site since the season started.

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Where did you go BSU?  Missin' ya bro, I wish I knew how to do the rosters like you but I don't. I'm hopin' you just re-tired and nothing bad happened, so if your around just say Hi at least..lol  Peace if your around bro.


It's over, Johnny. 

Yeah, we're still taking applications for a roster expert :p



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