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Perfect GeneralStads. Let me help you out here a little.

For anyone interested in playing GeneralStads or anyone else for that matter you have to first have some things in order before playing:

1. Decide who will be home team before you begin.

2. Then go to this site right here to determine your IP. You need this for a proper connection.

3. You and your opponent MUST and I mean MUST have everything the same when you are playing. You must be running the same mod. You must have the same rosters loaded. If you have datafiles they MUST be the same. If one person has a datafile and the other doesn't, you will have a major problem. So a good starting point for someone who wants to play online would be this:

I'd like to play online against someone. I have the 08 mod installed. No datafiles. I am using the latest TL roster standard version from ar_key.

Your opponent must have the same installed or you won't have a good online game.

4. Finally, one trick that I remembered when there was a league here on this site. When you use a modded stadium like they all are in the 08 mod it takes up more memory playing online. What they did in that online league years ago was decide on what stadiums they would play in and then they would go to their installation CD's on disk two and temporarily replace the modded stadium with the generic stock EA stadium. So if you want to play in Dodger Stadium for example you would for that game back up your modded stadium and put the EA version on it. It does make the online play go smoother. And then when you are done you put the modded stadium back on.

Good luck!

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