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Question regarding datafile/CPU Batter patience


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This needs a punt ..

And Millennium, I've done some testing with 0x2ebaa4d1 (batterai) and the #30,#31 variables, they are default at 0.850 and 1.150 respectively.

Some have referred to this line as ball physics (which I originally thought too) but I think it was Kamasutra who said it affected the batter not swinging (your issue).

So I tester her out expecting that Kamasutra made a typo and that it would affect the physics of the ball off the bat but it really did seem to make batters swing less. First pitch swings still happened on strikes but I'm pretty sure at a lesser rate than before. Probably a 15-25% decrease ... however it could be that I was imagining the whole thing. Anyways seeing how it looks like nothing good came out of <battercpu> then maybe this is worth pursuing further? ...

Oh and by the way I changed #30 to 0.75 and #31 to 0.95 but I've only gotten in 2 games of testing.

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This needs a punt ..

And Millennium, I've done some testing with 0x2ebaa4d1 (batterai) and the #30,#31 variables, they are default at 0.850 and 1.150 respectively.

Some have referred to this line as ball physics (which I originally thought too) but I think it was Kamasutra who said it affected the batter not swinging (your issue).

So I tester her out expecting that Kamasutra made a typo and that it would affect the physics of the ball off the bat but it really did seem to make batters swing less. First pitch swings still happened on strikes but I'm pretty sure at a lesser rate than before. Probably a 15-25% decrease ... however it could be that I was imagining the whole thing. Anyways seeing how it looks like nothing good came out of <battercpu> then maybe this is worth pursuing further? ...

Oh and by the way I changed #30 to 0.75 and #31 to 0.95 but I've only gotten in 2 games of testing.

Have you contined testing this? I must have missed this post before, I will input the values tonight and test some...

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Well I havn't had much time lately but I've gotten about 5-10 games in. It definitely affects the ball, no question. Set that value #31 value to 1.50 and you'll get 10 hrs a game at over 550 ft. But I could swear that it affects the batter patience aswell.

I tried about 5 games with it at 0.75 or something similar and the batters took pitches for first strikes fairly often. I thought I was imagining things but I turned it back to 1.09 and they swung at almost every first pitch strike give or take 1-3 (when it was 0.75 I recorded instances where they took more than 60% of 1st strikes).

So it could definitely use some more testing, variable #30 I havn't done much with, just 31. It's hard for me to believe that one variable would affect 2 completely different things (or are they different) but that's what it looks like.

Also, if you're interested in reading further Robmac and I had a chat about it over at http://www.mvpmods.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=1895

I've been thinking ahead and if it does turn out to be that this variable does infact affect patience (not discipline remember) then we could simply lower the top spin to make the ball carry further to make up for lowering this variable (or do you raise the top spin? lol) ...

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