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When submitting downloads...


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Please make sure you've done the following.

1. Put the mod in the correct category. Bear in mind we are still storing mods from 2004, so try not to put your 2005 download in the 2004 section or vice versa as it leads to confusion.

2. Always try to have a decent description of the file you are releasing. What it does, who or what it is for and a quick line or 2 of simple instructions. You can go into detailed instructions in your readme file.

3. If it is a graphical mod (cyberfaces, stadiums, overlays etc.), pleae include an image to show the users what they are downloading.

4. Use version numbers. If the file you are releasing is the first version you've made, 1 is perfect. If it's the second version, go for 2. Get the picture? :)

Thanks for contributing to the community. :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Guys, please remember to put version numbers on your downloads. We are actually getting more downloads submitted without version numbers than with them now. Also, if it's a graphical download (portraits, uniforms, stadiums, CTS screens, faces or overlays), please include a screenshot so that users can see what they are downloading.

It can't be too hard, can it?


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Guys, please remember to put version numbers on your downloads. We are actually getting more downloads submitted without version numbers than with them now. Also, if it's a graphical download (portraits, uniforms, stadiums, CTS screens, faces or overlays), please include a screenshot so that users can see what they are downloading.

It can't be too hard, can it?


Thanks Mark. I was just going to post about this very thing.

We will no longer validate submitted files missing any of this information. Please take the time to include them.


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  • 3 months later...

I've seen a few cases of this now, and it's becoming a bit of a problem. Please ensure that you actually have a readme file included, with instructions on how to install your mod. It would also help to include any common files used to install the mod, such as a batch file etc.

If you uploaded your mod without this information, please update it and include any files that you have missed out.


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  • 6 months later...

Once again, please do not submit downloads without the correct information. All downloads submitted must have a version number and all graphical downloads must provide screenshots.

Downloads missing this information will not be cleared for download, as not only is it impossible for the staff to simply add a version number without entering a reason for the version change (because when submitted the version field was empty), it's a waste of our time in what should be a relatively simple process of clearing downloads.

If you have submitted a download and it hasn't appeared in the downloads section, then it was not cleared. When re-submitting it, please ensure that all required fields are filled in correctly and all necessary information is provided. Blindly re-submitting downloads exactly the same as the previous one with no changes won't get your download cleared faster, or at all - it will just earn you a bad reputation.


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  • 7 months later...


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