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Hey I'm new here and have some questions...


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I heard about this place from GameFaqs and am very interested. I've looked at some of the files and they look great and I'm very intrigued. Real ads in the stadiums, smaller strikezones, wind, etc. Great stuff.

I know that I'm gonna need a modded ps2 for all this, but what exactly IS a modded ps2? I'm gonna need a mod chip, right? Well where can I buy such a mod chip, and how would I go about installing it or inserting it in my ps2? And how much does a mod chip cost? What else do I need? Will I need an X-Port, an Action Replay, or both? Will I also need an addiotional memory card for all the files or will there be enough on my current one? (I doubt it.)

Sorry if this has been asked before, but I haven't really seen it and I'd really like the info on this. I also apologize if I posted this in the wrong section of the board...

Any info will be greatly appreciated!

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Oh, one more thing. Once I get everything, if I wanna use the different Overlays (YES Network, MSG, Fox Sports Net, ESPN, etc.) will I only be able to use one, or can I set it so that it uses certain ones at certain situations. I mean that certain games on Sundays and Wednesdays can have the ESPN Overlay (ESPN Sunday Night/Wednesday Night Baseball) and Yankee games can all use the YES Network, and Mets games can alternate from MSG, Fox Sports Net, and WB 11.

If I can set certain overlays at certain times, that would be SWEEEEEEET!

So far nobody has replied, but I'm sure somebody will soon. Thanks for any future replies.....

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I don't know man.. My PC is so old and ****ed up, I doubt that it would be any good on my PC. I'm sure it would lag a ton, and it would just be a waste of money. I don't really have any games for my PC because of that, and only have the games on Ps2. It may sound like a good idea to get it for the PC, but it wouldn't work with my PC, and I'd have to end up getting a video card, a sound card, etc, which would just be even more cash.

If you or anybody knows what I need for the Ps2, and where I can get it, and an approximate cost, couuld you please let me know? And if you could answer my other question, that would be great too.

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I don't know man.. My PC is so old and ****ed up, I doubt that it would be any good on my PC. I'm sure it would lag a ton, and it would just be a waste of money. I don't really have any games for my PC because of that, and only have the games on Ps2. It may sound like a good idea to get it for the PC, but it wouldn't work with my PC, and I'd have to end up getting a video card, a sound card, etc, which would just be even more cash.

If you or anybody knows what I need for the Ps2, and where I can get it, and an approximate cost, couuld you please let me know? And if you could answer my other question, that would be great too.

dont really know what to tell you then. i don't know much about converting to the ps2. not sure how possible that would be. i know the xbox guys are having good results. that might be another route to take. sorry i can't be more help.

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Well I know for a FACT that you can convert to the Ps2 because a person I know from GameFaqs (Pared) has done so and he's had great results. Not sure how much of it he's converted but he says that he's converted the rosters/settings or whatever, so that Homerun numbers are realistic and that the CPU steals on you, and he also has some of the camera views, including some he's designed himself.

I WOULD ask him for the info, but he seems to never, ever be on (at least not on GameFaqs) so I can't really ask him about it...

Anybody else?? :(

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Well I know for a FACT that you can convert to the Ps2 because a person I know from GameFaqs (Pared) has done so and he's had great results. Not sure how much of it he's converted but he says that he's converted the rosters/settings or whatever, so that Homerun numbers are realistic and that the CPU steals on you, and he also has some of the camera views, including some he's designed himself.

I WOULD ask him for the info, but he seems to never, ever be on (at least not on GameFaqs) so I can't really ask him about it...

Anybody else?? :(

he is on operationsports.com all the time. he has also been around here some too. just send him a pm.

btw, i didn't say it wasn't possible. I said I wasn't sure how possible it was. relax.

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I know, I know. I'm just looking at all the goodies and I'm so excited. After looking at all the stadiums, the player pictures, the uniforms, etc, I just REALLY want to get this stuff. Thanks for the tip though, I'll make sure to PM him.

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