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Computer lingo...


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O.K.....I admit just graduating from Ignorance R Us computer school but I need an explanation...

Fuzzone (or anyone else)....

In many of your readme files you mention "met" files...such as, "you must take the MET file..."

Just what is meant by "met" file???.....a synonym?...a generic term?

It isn't an extension file, so I'm sitting here with my normal blank look on my face trying to determine what is meant by "met" file.

I get the feeling I am the only one here that doesn't know what this means.

And here all along I was concerned with not knowing how to bate my breath....Now I realize how unimportant that is compared to not understanding what a "met" file is. :cry:....

Especially when I can't use MVPstudio 1.6 until I know what I'm doing. :banghead:

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ok...I must admit, I don't know exactly what a .met file is. However, I do know that it contains rosters - therefore I'd have to deduce it's a data file.

If you download FuzZ's awesome studio, there are 4 teams included with it. In each team's folder, there is also a .met file. When you goto "create a team" you'll see the option to import .met file. When you select that and click on browse, you simply find that file in the teams folder.

Hope that helps!! ....

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what is meant by "met" file? It isn't an extension file

It is an extension used in MVPEdit. Specifically it is a "MVP Baseball Exported Team."

From what I can tell there are three extensions for MVPEdit:

*.mbe - full rosters (the .dat files)

*.met - whole teams

*.mep - individual players

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Thanks for the reply, gents....Makes things much clearer now.

I'm one of those that reads "readme.txt" before loading any mod/program/whatever....Just want to be familiar with what I'm doing, especially with a somewhat limited knowledge on computer programming.

I kept coming across instructions for "met" files which was completely foreign to me.....Ah, but now I understand.

Thanks again.

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