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Editing The All Star Rosters...


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I've noticed the default rosters that I've downloaded all have different players on the all star teams, and those players are still on their normal teams. When I try to edit the all star teams in mvpedit, the players leave their normal teams to join the all star team. I'm pretty sure there's an easy way to put them on both their normal team and the all star team, but I'm an idiot about this kind of stuff. Anyone know how to do it?

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i'm assuming you're using mvpedit...i know i shouldn't assume but...this is what you need to do: go to file then export and players. a new window will pop up where you can put players you want to export. get all the players you want then click ok. once you saved your players go to file and import players. you can then place those players into which ever team you like. create your own all star team!!

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