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Batch question


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Ok, I come from the EA Sports NHL series of mods. So editing and importing your custom work was easy. It was a simple batch command line like

gfxpak -rp gamedata/uniforms.viv/uni####a.fsh jersey.png TORS

gamedata is the folder the uniforms.viv file is held. Then the uni####a code is the uniform for the respective team. A was torso b was goalies, gloves, skates and c was numbers.

My question is; is it possible to import addons into MVP2004 with a similar code? If so, whats the code?

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you might get a better reponse from PM'ing or emailing one of the people who you can see have uploaded and created lots of uni mods etc...

most of us here on the forum ask the questions and rarely answer them lol

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You can use batch files to update, as far as I know the batch files used

are very similar to NHL or NBA Live mods that use gfxpak.

I am not sure what code the different body/uni parts use, but I am sure

that you can do basically the same thing you have been doing in NHL

once you figure out what goes where.

Good Luck

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unis and numbers are in the models.big file (data folder).. uniform portraits (that show up when selecting uniforms) are in the uniforms.big file (data/frontend)

In EA Graph you open the models.big file located in the data file in the game. Then follow the instuctions It starts with Anaheim which u000a.fsh

u000b.fsh and so on

Anaheim is u000

Arizona is u014

Atalnta is u025

Baltimore is u009

Boston is u010

Chicago Cubs is u019

Chicago W.S. is u004

Cincinnati is u020

Cleveland is u005

Colorado u015

Detroit is u006

Florida is u026

Houston is u021

Kansas City is u007

Los Angeles is u016

Milwaukee is u022

Minnesota is u008

Montreal is u027

New York Mets is u028

New York Yankees is u011

Oakland is u001

Philadelphia is u021

Pittsburgh is u023

San Diego is u017

San Francisco is u018

Seattle is u002

St Louis is u024

Tampa is u012

Texas is u003

Toronto is u013

All of these have a, b, c, d, e , h whatever how many uniforms each team have. I hope this helps


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