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Changing generic player potraits.........


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I was wondering if anyone has figured out how to change the player faces that are generic to the game..ie rookies etc with that cartoony look.

Is there something we can to do change the look or give it a more generic look maybe the club logo rather than those silly looing faces...

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You could either assign each player an i.d. number, that isn't already used by another player in the game, into mvp edit for a specific roster and just a shadow outline will appear instead of the cartoon face, or you could create/modify a team logo and issue it a .fsh extension number using EAGE and FshED that could substitute for a players portrait, similar to the way many are making photo update sets and then give several players who are missing portraits the same id number that the logo was given. The team logo would appear when those players came to bat. I don't know if the logo's for each team have been created by anyone yet but i assume that down the line someone will eventually put together a league set.

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