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Stats for minor league teams


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Just a question,

I've been creating ALL-TIME great teams and I've been using the minor league teams for a second ALL-TIME great team for each franchise. For example, I have the Yankees ALL-TIME great team, then for the clippers I created a second tier of Yankee greats, this includes Bernie Williams, and Tino Martinez. But when I play the game with my new revised CLippers team, the stats are all zero'd out. Is there anyway make the stats show up on the game that I imported with MVP edit? when I look at the MET file in MVP edit the stats are all there, just not when I play the game.


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The stats you create in MVPEdit are their Majors stats, so when you put them in a minor slot, their numbers become 0 (for minors stats). The game will still treat them as a minor leaguer since it's in that slot, otherwise they'd pile up MLB stats in AAA. I'd imagine this is what you mean.

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So I have bernie williams on the CLippers. There is no way to get the game to show his stats for that year I added him into (1998)? I understand why now, just wondering if it could be modded so they will show up.

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