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Couple of mod requests.


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Not sure if these are possible but here goes:

1. Simming games. Is there any way ti insert subs during a simulated game? Liked a rule that says after 7, team with lead, positions SS, 2b etc. will swap? Sure would help out with more realistic stats. I know I can stop the sim and do it all manually but wondered if anybody knew how to code this?

2. Bad pickoff throws - need a different camera angle to show the players. Too many wild pickoff throws allow 2 -3 bases. This almost never happens realistically.

The ball physics are too hot MVP 06 for certain hits. Line shot through the infield that hits the outfield wall? Shots down the line should result in doubles for 99% of the players - too many guys get thrown out at 2nd.

Excellent mod though.

P.S. - there was a photo tutorial - anybody have a link or instructions to add photos?


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