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Reggie Sanders Unhappy about playing time?

The Great Nad

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Sanders is in my line-up everyday and is still unhappy. He loves his contract and was happy then I subed in a few bench players while I would be winning a game and all of a sudden he is unhappy. I would sub them in the 7th or 8th. Is it because he's playing to much? Help a playa out.


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I have him batting 7th in the line up on all line-ups










Right now that's how he fits in. Where else would i put him Womack and Baez are speedsters and have a combined BA of .640 and are in first and second place in steals in teh MLB womack (85) and baez (39), so when they are on base pujols can knock em in. Edmonds and rolen are HR hitters and they bring in runs as well. I don't know how renteria stands in that spot he's in that's just where he ended up. So where else could I put Sanders?

Sanders is batting .280 with 10 sb 22 hrs and 56 rbi's pretty damn good so i have no clue why he's bitching

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Wow. I wonder if he's unhappy because you have him batting 7th (pretty low). He's not getting the AB's he should. Honestly I would move him to 4th or 5th on that team you showed me there and get Baez and/or Womack way down to the bottom and lead off with Renteria. (That's just men though). Of course renegotiating his contract always perks guys up too. But Sanders has good ratings in this game. Move him to 4th or 5th for about 10 games and see what happens.

Just went back and read this and a funny thing came to me......

A Big Unit is trying to help out a Great Nad.......LMMFAO!!! Oh God I'm dying here...lol

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

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