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quick ? regarding portrait install gfxpack errors.


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ok is there a limit to how many portraits you can install via bat file? reason i ask is whenever i try now to install this way i get a gfx pack error (gxpak.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close...). it also affects mvpedit now. now i can install every other update bats, uni's etc this way. but not portraits any more. however i can still import using eagraph, any info would be great, BTW this problem occured shortly after i installed the total portrait set, coincidence i suppose.

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sounds like your portraits.big is corrupted

well maybe that could be it. so i installed the original. and it worked fine. then i went and reinstalled the totalportrait set again, and had the same problem. now i did read in the total portrait thread, others having this problem. one poster claiming he had like 3000 portraits installed. so that's why i'm wondering. not saying anything is wrong w/ the set just wondering if there was a limit.

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As it says in the readme for Total Portraits

"After installing this set you will have at least 3000 portraits installed in your game.

Be aware that the portrait display function in MVPedit will not work as GFXPAK which it uses, crashes when accessing a .big file containing more than 3000 portraits. The portraits will show up fine in the game or EA Graphics Editor though."

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