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New York Mets Dynasty


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Okay, former XBOX fan, now turned to PC. I'm going to do a New York Mets dynasty, these are the plans/ideas I have.

I will start off with settings/depth chart/lineups/rotation. I will update everyday, one game each NY Daily News style, I will provide pictures, analysis, (writer's) rumors, and will reveal a back-page that has headlines on it. The back page will have an ingame picture, the picture that says it all basically. I will do two stories, one about the game, and the usual Met Notes which talk about the organization and the league. Every Friday, I'll update within the league and organization - MLB.com style, I will be doing a lot of photoshopping, I will give it my all, please also note I have about Four Hours to do this, so I'll try my best to get through it. I will also give some quotes (Player/Coaches/GM/etc.) in the game details. In the "Mets Notes" segment, I'll put all the rumors, transactions, and all that jazz.

Now, is there anything you feel I need to add to make a better dynasty please let me now. As far as titles, I'm thinking of one. Any suggestions will be well-appreciated. I will be using various mods that I'll include in my first post.

I hope to start this by Friday (latest), Tonight (earliest)..

Any suggestions, feel free to reply.

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This is a test, or a template that I came up with. I don't have a newspaper on hand so It's temporary, I'm going to purchase "the real thing" tommorow to see how it compares. I just want to know what you guys think. I took the pictures from an exhibition game I played against the Nationals, those headlines I made up and it took me about 15 minutes to make. I'm just wondering what you guys think, is it a good idea or should I go with something like ESPN, or MLB.com... ? Also, I just realized that the Yankees should get some back pages which is why I'm probably going to limit the backpage feature to about 2-3 per week depending on the yankee outcome to make it a bit more realistic.


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sudden change of heart

since there is already a Mets dynasty with some potential, I'm taking my plans elsewhere, Colorado Rockies to be exact, expect some stuff by tonight, perhaps within an hour I'll post settings/depthchart/lineup/rotation...

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