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New PSU for Dell Dimension 5100?


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Im currently shopping around for a new PSU so I can also upgrade my graphics card. Question I have is how do I know if the PSU will fit my case? Also, does anyone here have the XFX GeForce 7600 GT XXX Edition card?


Thats probably what Im going to get. Or EVGA GeForce 7600GT. Its right in my price range of $150 for a card and I was told it was the best for that price. Also, is there any differences between the two? (xfx and evga) Thanks.

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you're better off buying a psu in person so you can compare size. most dells are the same standard protocol size for psu but, in the past i have found a few that were not. better to be safe than sorry. try a small local pc shop where you can bring in your old one and open the box and compare the new one to the one you have. most smaller shops will let you do that and really should be fairly inexpensive.

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yeah I was thinking of doing that since theres one right down the road but then I found one listed on newegg where a customer review mentioned my exact case.

""Other Thoughts: If you have a dell E510 case(or e310, 5100. etc), and want to upgrade the PSU, this is the best choice I could find after spending hours on the web, and reviewing several bloggs.Bought it to upgrade from stock 305w PSU, so that I could upgrade to a high end vid card. Some say you need a ATX/BTX psu for dell (as they make their own cases), but this fit like a glove in the Dell E510""

So I think Im going to try to find this one somewhere cheap. 500W should be good enough.

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i would go a little bigger wattage on the PSU. i recently built a gaming machine for one of my clients with that card. a 500 watt antec server psu from newegg wouldn't turn the fan or boot it up. we went with a larger watt antec and it worked but, barely. and he had to go through the hassle of returning the other PSU to new egg.

when it comes to a PSU take my advice and buy it in person. go for one that feels heaviest in your hand because- i've said this here 100 times- a cheapo light PSU will go out in about a year almost guaranteed. a good heavy PSU will last years. get a name brand. the PSU is one of the most important and overlooked components in your system.

pull the PSU and take it into the store so you can compare the size. take the case in your car. if you find a PSU that seems a bit larger it still should fit so bring in your case and see if it will at least fit into the PSU slot. then you can just drill the holes for mounting it into the case back. it's easy and quick.

good luck.


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