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New MLB team i thought up


You think if the marlins get sold,where would they go?  

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  1. 1.

    • Kansas
    • Montana
    • Mexico City
    • Other Canada team
    • Puerto Rico

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I thought,if whats his name messes up the florida marlins like he did with the expos,why not make a team called the "Montana Trax"?

Use the Claw from "Create a team" in madden,and use brown as thier main color and use yellow for secondary color.

OH YEAH BOI! anyone want to make the logo for them? and uniform design? PM me with the pics...ill choose the best and runners up and put them on here.....THANKS guys!

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and vegas has the 51's.

Obviously you are not aware of how badly Vegas wants a PRO sports team.

Who do you think is going to sell more tickets William Juarez or Dontrelle Willis? Miguel Cabrera or Corey Dunlop?

Plus the fact of the matter is kraw was just stating a possibility so you don't have be right on the defensive trying to prove him wrong.

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