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To All Modders!!


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it's nice to see guys getting together to put out a real nice mod that everyone looks foward to. gforce's totalminors has got to be the most popular mod around. he puts his totalminors roster together making adjustments where he sees needs them so when we play its as realistic as possible. then jpup takes what geforce put together and makes the most up to date transactions. after that Hory makes the portraits for those transactions. after that we have the best mod available. good job guys on all your hard work. you make this game even more enjoyable then it was.

of course i cant leave out all the other modders out there. great job by everyone on your hard work. we all appreciate what you do. personally i love all the stadiums you guys have done and are working on. hopefully we will have a complete set of stadiums (done with oedit) real soon. overlays, unis, and all the other mods are awesome too. i want a complete set of everything! keep up the great work and remember for every complainer out there, there's guys like me that really do appreciate what you do!

Trues- could you please sticky this? all the modders should see this everyday!

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