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How to create wrinkles while creating uniforms ?


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Hello guys.. I am a budding mod creator wanting to do some nice uniforms for MVP Baseball 2004. I have EA Graphics Editor, Paintshop Pro etc.. all i want to know is how to retain those wrinkles on the default uniforms while painting them. I tried once but all I could do was just fill the uniforms with the colour of my choice without realistic wrinkles. If some skilled uniform designer can help me.. I would be grateful :).

thanks in advance,


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yeah. take a jersey (like jerf) from say anaheim mak sure u have converted the fsh to a bmp, so u can open it in photshop or whatever u use. then add a semi transparent layer on top of it w/ ur color choice. like this :


to this:


keep in mind i did this real quick as an example to give u an idea. mess w/ it.

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