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Good fantasy baseball resources


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I have got myself into a couple fantasy baseball leagues and am wondering if anyone can recommend a good fantasy BB website. I'm into fantasy FB but this will be the first fantasy BB league I've joined in probably 6-7 years.

One of the leagues I'm in is a rotissuerie head-to-head and it has 15 position player categories (hitting, fielding) and 15 pitching categories, which makes it rather time-consuming to prepare for the draft. What I'd like to do is give each player a ranking from 1-5 (5=best) in all 15 categories, that way when I draft I can have a general idea if I'm weak in a particular category. I'd love to find some kind of program to maybe automate this. Of course, I'm also a little leary of having too much info on draft day and getting bogged down and indecisive when making a choice. Anyway, I'm ranting and any good recommendations of fantasy BB info is appreciated.

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That seems pretty cool. How does the minor leagues work. I noticed there were real MLB players in the minors, how are they rated in the minors. I mean how does the program handle a Carlos Beltran type player in AAA, does he have the ratings reflective of his prime years in MLB real life or are his ratings similar in skillset but just not developed yet. I guess I don't understand why there are Mickey Mantle and Beltran type players in AAA or how the process orks.

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Well, when there is an draft before each season, you pick players that were rookies that year (a highly detailed list is given), and you also have retro rookies, like Mantle, Ruth, and Cobb. I'll PM you an e-mail adress of a guy of whom you can answer these questions better than I can.

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