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MVPMods desktop icon??


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Hey modders,

I am hoping that someone could make the MVPMODS desktop icon

for me and others that may want one? It would be the same as the

MVPMODS with the hi-res baseball in the center of it as it appear in the

title on the top of the page. Hope someone wouldn't mind. I would use it

for the folder I keep all the mods in. Currently it's just the baseball icon

that comes with the savreader. Thanks!

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I just made one.

It's not really the best thing to make an icon of, because icons are supposed to be square.

I included a 256 x 256 png file of the logo. I added 72 to the top and 72 to the bottom to make it square.

I also included a 48 x 48 png file of the logo. And finally the 48 x 48 icon.

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:headache: Thanks Ty...I know I got a little carried away....It's awesome!

DJ, relax I apologized...I got a little carried away...

Fine, but you have been around here long enough to know not to bump your thread 30 minutes after you made it. Please don't tell me to relax, I am only doing what I am supposed to do. You clearly knew what you were doing when you bumped it.

That Icon looks good Ty.

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