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Website Help.... Please????

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Okay... I am thinking of running for office again. If I so decide, I will not announce until January of 08. Anyways, I did not decide until February of 06 before, and it was tough to get any traction. If I decide to do it again, I want to have all of the groundwork laid... even my website. I gained a lot of experience in the last go round. I need to be ready. But, I do not know how to create a website. I want to get good at making one so I can be ready when it is time to put it together. Is anyone here good at doing them? I really need help. I do not understand how to do it at all really... I had a very amateur looking one until a cousin of mine fixed it last time. I used Publisher. Is something better? I really did not like the templates it had. Any suggestions? Thanks.


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Personally I'd recommend Dreamweaver.

As a hobby I run a website for a baseball team I play for. I write the code myself rather than using templates and what have you, but if you've used software like InDesign, Quark, or indeed Frontpage, it's equally as usable. Although you don't always get the quality finish you might be after.

I used Frontpage once before and it just added a load of irritating and unnecessary code.

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