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Datafiles and Camera Views


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Okay... I am a huge fan of all the people that have modified the datafile. I used them alot this spring when most of the breakthroughs were happening and I was highly impressed. However, I took some time off from the game... I now wanna get back into it, but I can't find a datafile that has the default camera views. I think the Trues' camera views are too difficult to play defense with because they follow the ball and you lose sight of your fielder.

I've tried installing the "Rrod datafile 7 - default cams", but it changes my camera views. Is there a datafile out there that I can use that it's still possible to field on?

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Do any of the datafiles include fixes that 1) create walks or 2) cause the CPU to FOD GODS SAKE PULL THE DAMN PITCHER!

I just played against the Sox and they had Schilling going. I've got the default datafile and the CPU pitcher fatigue set to +35... hoping to increase wildness and maybe get the CPU to use the pen. Anyway, I scored 3 in the first, 1 in the 5th, and 1 in the 6th. 5 runs, Schilling had no stamina left, and the CPU still left him in through 8 2/3 innings and 115 pitches.

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