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Can Someone Help Me?


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Hey whats up fellow MVP playas..... I was just wondering if there was a way I could add my own picture in to the game.... I would then just use MVPedit to change it to my name and stuff....

I would just replace my pic with a current player in the games but have no clue how.... could someone explain it to me in good detail...


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I think you could do that , I do know for a fact in other games like NHL 2004 you could have your picture on your create a player so I don't see why you couldn't have it on another player.... How to do it I don't know because I have never tried it myself. If you are new to trying to do stuff editing make sure you back up your old stuff so that you don't have to reinstall that game. Hope this info helps and I wish I could have been a little bit more helpful, I am learning new stuff myself so I wish you the best of luck.

CG 29

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