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Photoshopping portraits


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So I think i'd like to release a portrait pack. But just because I think I have obsessive compulsive disorder, I wanna make them perfect.

In Adobe photoshop, i'm working in the Layer > Layer Style menu option. From there, i'm trying to put a little blue haze around the player, just like the one in the game. Does anyone have some accurate numbers for the haze? I've been messing around with it all night, and I just can't get it as thin as it is in the game.

(Picture missing ... I hate angelfire ...)

If I could get some sensible numbers for here, that would be great. Then I could finally release my first portrait pack

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ugh, I cant figure angelfire out. I was just trying to create a page really quick to show everyone, but that wont work ...

Well, I hope someone knows what i'm talking about. I basically just wanna know how to create the blue haze around the players portrait.

I tried it using the layers option, but it came out too thick.

Does anyone know what i'm talking about?

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Well, the image wasnt so much the problem.

I really just want to know about the haze.

Anyone who knows about the haze and how to create shouldnt need the image.

I dont even know why I tried to put the image in in the first place.

It was a stupid moment of spontanaity ...

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Yeah, I know both those things. i'm asking how to get the blue haze around the player ...

Would it be safe for me to assume that you cannot answer my question at this moment?

If not, no big deal. I shall just go to bed and hope for an answer tomorrow.

Someone out there's gotta know.

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Ok, now we're getting somewhere. But I think what would be most helpful is if I could get someone to give me thier photoshop settings for what they use to create the blue haze, then I could go in and try them out.

The thing is, i've alreayd tried blurring and blending and everything in between, but everything I came out with looked wrong. I just want to know to what extent should I blur or blend? Thats why the settings would come in handy.

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