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Non-mod question (Controls)


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OK, I've been messing around with playing games instead of running them RRodkey-style since the patch, but unfortunately I'm stuck with keyboard controls since I don't have a PC gamepad. (I know, I could buy one, but this would be the only game I use it for, so why?)

How the heck do you hit batters/intentional walk? There's keyboard mapping for those options, but they don't seem to work. I even remapped them in case it was a key conflict. Nothing.

Is there a combo I'm supposed to be doing? Hitting the proper keys alone doesn't work. I've also been trying to use them in tandem with pitch types like you do with outside pitches. Nothing (except grooved pitches since I didn't hold a direction key at the same time... although I tried that too.)

Give me a hand. I'm annoyed. My pitcher gave up back-to-back bombs and couldn't get retribution! :)

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How the heck do you hit batters/intentional walk? There's keyboard mapping for those options, but they don't seem to work. I even remapped them in case it was a key conflict.

Whatever the pitch is to pick off the runner. Hold that in conjunction with the IBB and bean ball pitch.

On the gamepad it's L1 + L3 or R3. Hope that helps.

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