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Is This A Glitch And Other Questions/Musings


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When I try to switch tabs in the MLB 2K Insider the game crashes to the desktop, it boots me out of the entire game. Is this a glitch? Also, where does one play online games with other people? I don't see anything in the quick play screen do you have to join a league? I'm on dial-up but I'm curious as to where to play online games in this title, (I know it will lag like crazy and not be worth it but still you never know, I got the rest of the online stuff to work) Finally does anyone know what the ranked game tab does in the quick play screen? Is this a single player thing or something for two player? P.S., I got the latest 2K roster update and did anyone notice that 2K changed the Brewers Manager Ken Macca? They put a pair of shades on him and gave him some hair on the back of his head! It still doesn't look like Macca but at least 2K is trying, lol!

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