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Creating All-Star Teams


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I have some ideas on how to work my way around this whole nonsense of no multi-player franchise.

And one of them was this, if someone could create a mod that can let you create your very own All-Star teams, with their All-Star uniforms, that would be great!

Also, it would be need if we could find a way to put HR Derby and Futures Game in there (with generic unis of course)

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I have some ideas on how to work my way around this whole nonsense of no multi-player franchise.

And one of them was this, if someone could create a mod that can let you create your very own All-Star teams, with their All-Star uniforms, that would be great!

Also, it would be need if we could find a way to put HR Derby and Futures Game in there (with generic unis of course)

what are you talking about no multi-player franchise?

you can make your own allstar teams using NOTEPAD

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That's way too confusing!!!!!

Someone please create a mod.

Have a roster format, like the one on your link, and a pool of all MLB players.

Actually, Microsoft Baseball 2000 could do this, and MVP Baseball 2005 can't. That's lame.

Also, I'd like generic all-star unis or something, because I want to have this game for a couple years, and I'd like to play the all-star games with my own rosters, and unis. Because I'm probably not gonna like the All-Star unis in Tigers colors.

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