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Help With control


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I recentl lost my instruction manual, and now I'm confused on the keys. In the game I'm currently using keyboard to, and that I know most of the basic keys. Especially those that they let you configurate. But then I don't know which key is to lead off a base, moving the batter around etc. Plus a few key such as intentional walk, and hitting the batter doesn't work.

Thanks for tips and info on this.

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well you can understand our scepticism, get that alot on this sight, they lost it, the kid threw it away the dog ate it. there is no leadoff in the manual for keyboard, moving batter: + 4 or 6 , walk: numpad0 + pageup, hit batter: numpad0 + pagedown.

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Yeah, I understand, since I've been reading through the forums. But the keys you gave me, they are for keyboard 2 right? And if you can't lead off a base how do you steal one???

spend 30 bucks and get a good PC gamepad, such as the Logitech RumblePad 2. You won't be disappointed.

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OMG!!!! So I have no choice but to buy a stupid controller. Did EA plan this out or something. Cause they should have all the key set already, instead of having limited keys for keyboard controls. That way you save the customer money for maybe more EA games!

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