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Stamina, Tuning, etc.


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After playing on rookie level and beating Randy Johnson and the Yankees 18-3, I decided it was time to graduate to Pro level. Needless to say this is a big learning curve. Even the pitcher for the Seattle Mariners got 3 hits off me.

Here's my question(s): I figured I'd adjust the tuning a little so I wouldn't get killed until I learn to play a little better, yet thanks to this game's lack of instruction manual, I really don't know what I'm doing. I notice on "tuning" you can go from -50 to 50 but what do these numbers mean?? I thought maybe if I make the user hitting a <B>high</B> number and the CPU's a <B>low</B> number it would help even things out, but I have yet to notice any difference. Help would be appreciated.

Also, exactly how do use the Pitcher's Stamina numbers? Should you yank a pitcher when his rating gets to a certain level? If so, what level?

I realize these maybe dumb questions but I'm a novice at this stuff and am very upset with EA's lack of an instruction manual. I finally learned how to warm up and substitute a relief pitcher, and I <B>think</B> I now know how to do a double switch. Very aggrivating indeed.

Thank you.


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i usually pull my pitcher when (1) he's getting shelled or (2) when it's hard to keep the pitches over the plate or i get alot of mistake pitches. I play on all-star and it seems like when my pitcher's stamina is around 50 it's about time to pull him. Depending on the situation, i might pull him earlier, or maybe later if i want to try to finish a game with him.

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