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I think I found out why the game kept crashing on me after using all of the Terminator cyberfaces so far. For some reason, Big Gui decompresses some of the fsh, ord, and orl files in the model.big file. I never even touched those, it seems to do it on its own.

Whenever I import the files for Bonds' cyberface, the #30 files get decompressed. I think those files are for Carlos Delgado.

Bonds works fine but when I play Delgado, it crashes. So I go and extract the original #30 files from my backup model.big and import it to the modified model.big with Bonds working in it. Then, I first check to see if Delgado's cyberface appears in MVPEdit. No picture found. When I go play the game, it still crashes.

I check the modified model.big in Big Gui and I see it has decompressed other files. Some #31 and #32 files. I get their originals and put them in. Check MVPEdit. No picture found. Game crashes. Then I check Big Gui again it shows that the #30 files have decompressed again.

So after all that, I guess my question is:

How do I prevent Big Gui from decompressing files that I don't even touch?

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i've never had that problem w/ big gui. i guess the easiest thing to do would be to highlight all of the face files (even if they are already compressed) and just compress the whole batch of them at once to be safe. see if that helps. also make sure that the faces are set to the correct roster you are using in mvpedit.

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  • 2 months later...

i agree with RAM, make sure you compress the files, that's what's causing the problem. i had the same problem when i added a couple of uniforms. the portraits were decompressed and it would crash as soon as i picked the team and the uniform selection screen would come up. compressed portraits and it worked perfect.

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well agree with me to a point i guess. just be careful not to compress the whole models.big file. this could lead to disaster. just the faces only- be VERY selective of whatever else you compress, not everything in there needs to be. and NEVER rebuild models.big in big gui.

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no no. i wasn't trying to point out your oversight at all LOL. i was actually just trying to point out my oversight for not mentioning that in the first place. sorry if it came out the wrong way.

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  • 3 weeks later...

May be a question that seems obvious to most people, but what files should NOT be compressed in Bigui? I'll be away from the computer for a few days, so if you could, please send me a PM and I'll check them when I can. Thanks.

I am asking this because someone told me ALL files under the .models file should be compressed. Thanks in advance.

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