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all this stuff


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I just came to this site today and saw all this incredible stuff...rosters, jerseys, and stadiums. I have MVP for PS2. Is there any way to get this stuff on my PS2? I'm not sure but it sounded as if you could modify your console system and not have to have the game for PC. If there is a way, please explain it to me. I'm pretty much computer illiterate so I would need step-by-step instructions. Thanks to anybody that responds.



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LOL yeah i have a buddy at work who i've been trying to talk into just getting a pc for years. he's a big console gamer, you know the type- buys like every game, the magazines all that stuff. FINALLY after about 3 years of me nagging him, he got a pc, now he's in total shock at the difference. only drawback to pc gaming is that you have to upgrade components every few years. no biggie though, kinda like having to buy a new console when they come out with a new one. i have an xbox and it's cool to lay on the couch for madden, but pc always outperforms it, and always will. take it easy!

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