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Working With 04 Jerseys for 05


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I've got a set of Oakland unis made for 2004 that I want to use in 2005.

The ZIP file comes with a BAT installer, which I don't think would work because its built for 2005, but also because I want to install them in certain slots.

So I'm using MVP studio, and I realize that this download only comes with UxxxY.fsh files, and no FxxxY.fsh files, so is it possible to do the installation anyways without problems?

I also don't have any BMP's for these so I assume it will keep whatever pic is currently in that slot or have no pic for empty slots.

Please help.

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you should be fine. for the bmps to appear download nfshtool. make a copy of nfshtool and paste it into the oakland folder. now drag each ufsh file you wish to add to the game on top of nfshtool it will then make a folder that contains all bmps in the particular uniform. using a photoeditor or mspaint navigate to the particular uniform folder that was created-open the jerf (front of uniform) bmp and make sure it is sized to 128x128 24 bit and save it. now you can load that bmp into mvp studio to show at the screen selection. nfshtool is around here somewhere if you do not already have it. sounds confusing and it is a little but, once you do it once it's a snap. may also help you in the future if you ever want to explore uniform modding. hope that helps. JUST make sure you always make a copy of your already working modded models.big AND uniforms.big if you are using the studio to import etc.in case somethig goes awry! again hope that helps.

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