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Camera program??


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This may not be possible but I was wondering if it would be possible to have a program designed strictly for various camera views?

I began thinking of this as a result of seeing fuzzone's MVPStudio program. ....

I read a camera tutorial but very, very quickly realized there is no why on this earth that I (with my limited computer programming knowledge) could ever do this.

So.......Is it possible to develop a program strcitly for various camera views?....


Pitching views.....four or five slots to be used for various pitching views, such as "fixed-directly behing the pitcher"..."non-fixed based on RH or LH batter"...."behind pitcher slightly off right shoulder"....etc.

Batting view....four or five slots for various hitting views...."behind batter-pulled back fish-eye"..."directly behind batter showing the back of catcher's head (Chuckj's view)"...etc.

The end-user could then select the pitching view and then the batting view and they would automatically default into "pitching5/batting3".

Is this a possibility?.....Or must camera views be assigned to a datafile and cannot be programmed separately?

Before it is said by others......I know....A mind is a dangerous thing to waste! :)

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Kamasutra already has a utility like this. Have you checked out his datafile mod program that lets you select camera angles, datafile tweaks, etc.?


Yep...I am aware of kamasutra's mod and have downloaded it.

I understand what you are saying..... but lets say I really like one of kamasutra's pitching views but I also really prefer one of Chuckj's batting views....

That is why I was wondering if a program could be developed where the end user could download various pitching views separately and also separately download various batting views....The end user could then determine which pitching view and which batting view he/she chooses to use that particular game.

The MVPStudio uniform program brought that to mind but I didn't know if individual camera views could be offered as a stand alone file without tying in with a specific datafile mod.

Fuzzone's MVPStudio allows individual uniforms to be added to a team and therefore, I was wondering if individual camera views could be offered in a similar manner...be downloaded to MVPCamera (for example) program.... and then have the end user select which camera to use when playing the game .

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OK, I get where you're coming from now. About the only thing you can do right now (which is what I've had to do) is to create multiple datafiles, pickout the camera bits you like and put them in your own datafile (i.e. cut and paste manually).

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OK, I get where you're coming from now. About the only thing you can do right now (which is what I've had to do) is to create multiple datafiles, pickout the camera bits you like and put them in your own datafile (i.e. cut and paste manually).

Lions and tigers and bears, OH MY!...

Don't think this old boy has anywhere near the experience to do something like that....

Heck, mechanical pencils make me nervous. :lol:

I'm one of those that always has ideas but no solutions. ;)

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