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Catcher's mask / Uniform mods?


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Hey guys,

I'm a poor grad student who just inherited a copy of MVP 2004 from someone who has moved on to the greener pastures of 2005. I'm interested in doing some modding, but have searched in vain for any sort of tutorial on how to do anything related to uniforms. I have EA Graphics Editor, am well versed in Paint Shop Pro and Photoshop, can get as far as opening uniforms.big into EAGE but it seems to only show me the bitmap

"portraits" of the uniforms.

If I could figure out how to use the templates to make fsh files out of them, then put them back into uniforms.big, the image modification would be no problem. Can someone help...please?

Question 2...if I can figure out how to do all of that, I'd like to then move on to modding Astro Brad Ausmus's helmet to feature the cow skull. I know it can be done -- I've seen a mod for Jason LaRue. But where are these catcher's masks located, and, as before, how can I get to them to modify them / put them back where they came from?



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Here's a follow-up set of more specific questions to make me (perhaps) look like less of a clueless moron...or at least that I'm trying to work this out on my own.

I have used bigGUI to extract fsh files from uniforms.big. But when I open them in EAGE or FSHed, they're either blank, or they're what looks to be randomly blown up mostly-blank images with a few pixels added in here and there for good measure. The only thing I can open from fsh files are the uniform previews. Obviously, there's some important thing here that I'm not getting.

Thanks again,


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