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Made a cyberface, only top half shows up


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I'm just getting started in making cyberfaces. I've been following Jogar84's cyberface tutorial and somehow my result is this while previewing in game with "edit-a-player":


And in game, I get the infamous red face with green lettering "missing texture".

I made it up pretty quick and the eye's line up OK but not nowhere near perfect for the sake of previewing. I'm able to get the "full" texture applied with preview thru OEdit, and I've installed cyberfaces successfully before, so I'm pretty sure I'm ok in that area (updated models.big, compressed files, selected face # thru MVPedit). The.fsh file is a 16bpp 128x256 uncompressed so that part seems OK too. I'm guessing the error is somewhere in the compression step with BigGUI.

Anyone have this happen before? Any ideas? I'm gonna give it a rest for now and go thru it step by step again just in case I missed something and maybe trial-and-error this away tommorrow.

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It's advisable to use a batch file rather than Biggui to install your cyberfaces, they tend to decompress randomly in Biggui (although your game isn't crashing).

So download a cyberface and steal the .bat file, maybe that will help.

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Did you create a new fsh file or did you edit an existing one? I once had the same problem and by editing the fsh of another cyberface it finally worked (since that one had stuff like "metal bin" and "name" in it).

I took a fsh file, converted it to bmp so that I could paste the new face over it and work with it from there, then I converted it back to a fsh file. I see what you mean about the extra stuff associated with the file (e.g., "metal bin") since when I was converting mine back to a fsh file (creating a new fsh file) it didn't have the "extra stuff". I'm sure now that the absence of "metal bin" and "name" could be the problem. I'll try it out. Thanks!

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I'm trying to make Tim Stauffer. Have you done him already? I have a good picture of him and found a good head shape. It's coming along now but I've been lazy with cleaning it up (i.e., blending the skin color). I'm also gonna experiment with OEditing to make his ears larger :D.

A little further off-topic, any luck with Ben Johnson? I might try him next with a Giles head shape. All of Johnson's pictures seem to be real squinty/smiley eyed--gonna try and find more pics. I might try Kottaras too.

I'm a little bit of a perfectionist and I don't have much patience sometimes, so I don't know if these will ever get done...haha.

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