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What I would like to see next year


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Variations of pitch speed. Everyone tries to fill the 'pitch meter' so your pitcher is more effective, but then your pitcher hits the same MPH over and over. If I max out Tim Hudson he hits 92 all game. I would like to see the max-out vary a little. Have Hudson hit from 88-92 maxed out just like he does in real life.

Include real-life umpires and there variations of the strike zones and tendencies. All umpires call stikes differently and that is a fact of the game. Why not have one strike zone for Bruce Froemming and another for CB Bucknor. Pitchers definitely know who is behind the plate and they attempt to adjust their pitches that particular day to the umpires zone. I guaruntee the umpires would like the endorsement check EA could provide them for their names and attributes in the game!

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the varying strike zone idea is a good one... and if its implemented then i think a batters hot and cold zones should be more rounded shaded areas as opposed to clear cut blocks... i doubt EA would bother... but its a bit unrealistic to have a cold zone 2 inches away from a hot zone... they could kinda fade out and have a clear zone in the middle... and this way the hot and cold zones vary in turn with the strikezone...

if hot and cold zones stayed the same, like those squares taking up a 9th of the strike zone then varying strike zones coz of umpires would have no effect on gameplay, just a visual thing, but it would still be ok til the novelty wears off

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:( Im dissappointed in them for not patching the weather in dynasty mode right now.I wont run out and buy the game next year without a demo.Fool me once......of course the game is good now but modders have done most of the patchin!One big thing that needs adding is player fatigue(pitchers too),according to age etc.Maybe an option to argue with the ump(ala OOTP) with boost to team morale or ejections,instead of the brawl thing which seems like a waste of time,all you gonna get is an injury or suspension.Longer Spring Training,Build stadium feature would be awesome also,option to play all the games in a season for any team in dynasty mode(like HH).Id pay 100.00 for a baseball game with these kinda graphics and some realism.Most of the guys in here would i bet.Why wait 2 or 3 years to add features?Givem all at once,I for one would be glad to pay for it.

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