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download classics version #3-HELP-never done this before....


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Hi cubs,

Here goes:

1. Download Total Classics 3 from MVPMods.

2. Go to the folder where you saved the download and open the file you downloaded (tc3-release.rar) with WinRar. If you don't have WinRar, you can download the free trial version from here: http://www.rarlab.com/download.htm

3. Once you have opened the .RAR file with WinRaR, extract the file tc3-release.exe. You may also want to extract the tc-installReadMe.txt file which gives more information about Total Classics 3.

4. Run the tc3-release.exe file to unpack the TC3 installer and all of the files. Note that at this point, you have not actually installed the TC3 files yet into MVP2005.

5. Go to the folder where you unpacked the installer and run the TC3 installer. This is the file named !TC2005_3_Install.exe

6. When the installer starts up, you will see a window on the right side that asks you to select your MVP2005 game folder. Set this to point to the your C:Program Files EA Sports MVP Baseball 2005 folder (or wherever you have MVP2005 installed).

Make sure that when you select your folder, you double click on the MVP Baseball 2005 folder so that the folder appears opened (you see the opened file icon).

If you don't do this, the installer will think that your game is installed in the C:Program Files EA Sports folder and when you try to backup or install TC3, you will get an error message stating that the MVP2005.exe file cannot be found.

7. Click on the "Backup your Original Files!" button to backup your original game files (in case you ever want to uninstall Total Classics).

8. Click on the "Install Total Classics Phase 3!" button to install Total Classics 3. Note that it will take a little while to install all of the files.

9. Once the installation is complete you can click on the CTS tab and choose a CTS screen to install. When you've selected your CTS screen, click on the "Install Selected CTS Screen!" button.

Note that installing a CTS screen is optional and you do not have to do this in order for Total Classics to run.

Also be aware that the Theme Packs tab is non-functional and is there for a possible future enhancement.

10. If you ever want to uninstall Total Classics 3, run the installer again, locate your MVP2005 folder and click on the "Install Original Files!" button.

Good luck and let us know if you have any questions / problems.

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