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Stadium Editing


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Look for Pirate's OEdit tutorial in the FAQ section. Obviously your graphics work is excellent, but I just want you to know it is extremely difficult and frustrating. With that knowledge, I hope you succeed, since I'd love to have another quality oedit person in the community.

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If all you want to change is the ads, all you need is photoshop and just change the craz32.fsh file in the stadium.big files. If you want to change the placement of the ads, you will need oedit. I have worked on TBiA and it is not easy to edit stadiums. I have pretty much given up on editing stadiums before even releasing one, lol.

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its really a shame that the guy who made oedit couldn't just put the extra effort in to create a Milkshape 3d ASCII importer plugin...it would make everybodys job alot easier for editing/creating stadiums

the M3d ASCII exporter exports all information, for every part to a text file...including UV map coordinates...

the Rhino Points Exporter only exports one part, and just the geometric data (x/y/z) for each "vertex" or point.

although I haven't tested this out completely yet, I believe it is possible to edit/create stadiums in another application such as 3ds Max and even gmax (with a 3rd party Import/export maxscript) both gmax and the maxscript are free, and most people find the UI for gmax/3dsmax alot easier...however there is a drawback....

since you can only import one part at a time, without uv coordinates...that means that you have to do all uv mapping/skinning inside oedit, some text editing, and to make the process a little less painful...you need a trial of Milkshape 3d. here's an outline of the entire process

1. inside oedit open up one of the stadium .o files

2. export to milkshape 3d ASCII

3. open up Milkshape 3d, and import the ASCII file

4. export to .3ds (or whatever format you desire)

5. open up 3ds Max, gmax, or whatever your favorite 3d app is, and import the file

6. make necessary geometry changes, and export back to the format you imported

7. reimport this file back into milkshape3d, and export as Milkshape 3d ASCII

8. open up this file into a text editor, find the first "part" you made changes to in the text file, and copy all the lines of coords into a new text document(they look something like:

1 0.380050 -0.871657 0.380049 0.035767 0.503656 -1)

9. in the new text document where you copied your coords, delete the last three columns of each row, and the "1" in the beginning...so your coords would, based on the example in step 8, look like :

0.380050 -0.871657 0.380049

10. once you've done that, save the file as a .txt file (make sure you don't overwrite the one you got from milkshape)

11. import into oedit as a "Rhino points file"

12. texture and uv map the part.

repeat steps 8-12 for each part you edited..

as you can see...this is a very backwards method, but there might be certain situations where this would be prefered than doing your work in oedit alone. Obviously if you're just adding in a billboard here, or moving one over there...you're better off using oedit...but if you should feel inspired to try creating new geometry...then this method might work a bit better for you...

like I said, this method has not been tested in game...I am sure that the conversions will work...but whether this will work in game is another matter...

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