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Is FuzZMVP Studio Final 1.8 too hard to use?


Is FuzZMVP Studio Final 1.8 to hard to use?  

25 members have voted

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    • Yes, very complicated. I don't know use because of so.
    • Well, sort of. The read me is hard to follow, but I understand it.
    • i don't know how to add team packages but I can do everything else.
    • No, It's not complicated at all.

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LOL How can it be hard, seriusly only a moron wouldn't understand it, it does all the hard work for you!!!!!, You always fix the bugs, and you answer everyones stupid questions including mine, Thanx for an awesome program, You should work for EA!

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I find it pretty easy to use now. When it was first released it gave me a headache because I really didn't understand a whole lot about the files associated with the game(I was always a console sports gamer), but trial and error taught me well.

If there's one thing I could pick out to be fixed is the readme. As the saying goes, "Less is more." Simplify my brotha. An explanation of the file types used in the game would help all the :roll: "morons" :roll: considerably.

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LOL How can it be hard, seriusly only a moron wouldn't understand it, it does all the hard work for you!!!!!, You always fix the bugs, and you answer everyones stupid questions including mine, Thanx for an awesome program, You should work for EA!

Ah, ah ,ah....Now be nice.

I don't totally understand this program...Yet, I do not consider myself to be a moron.

The tutorial is fine if you happen to be familiar with programming....

Myself?...I provide a program for another computer sport sim. but the programming required is completely different than anything here....so I have to get familiar with "terms" that many of you modders and programmers consider as a second language.

It is the old story....."Easy if you know how."

I am one of those that believe tutorials should be written with the thought that the end user is not at all familiar with installing and using the intended program.

I have installed the uniform mod that Fuzz provided (which works perfectly) and I have downloaded Studio v1.8 but as of now, have not installed it....Why?

Because I am trying to be sure I understand the instructions and that I understand the terminology because I will be one unhappy trooper if I do something incorrectly and screw up other issues within MVP 2004.

No I am not a moron but I'm not at all ashamed to say, I'm still trying to learn what everything in the tutorial means....and I'm willing to bet, there just might be more "out there" like me.

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i'm writing a tutorial for the studio. should be done sometime tomorrow. will use screenshots and images to describe things and will keep words down to a minimum.

just curious, what terminology is everyone talking about?

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I find it pretty easy to use now. When it was first released it gave me a headache because I really didn't understand a whole lot about the files associated with the game

I agree with that. I have not had much experience with modding a game, I just really started when this game came out this year. This program, like many other aspects of modding the game, was a bit confusing when I first started to apply them, but I have found that a little common sense and trail and error go a long way. I would assume that most things that would be confusing to some regarding this program come from exactly the situation I described myself being in - new to modding and not really knowing what the heck is going on in the first place. Now that I am a bit more comfortable with the whole concept I find studio final (and previous versions) to be pretty straightfoward and, of course, very useful. Thanks Fuzz for the great work, and everyone else doing work on these mods and programs, and for helping with our questions and pleas for help that (I'm sure) sometimes have obviously simple answers.

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I just started using it this weekend and it wasn't difficult at all. I didn't even read the readme and I was able to add uniforms, change team names and team logos. It's pretty straight forward... Great work Fuzz!!!

The importing logos part of the app is my favourite... It was a breeze to do!

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I am new here & just dl it right now & I have no idea of how to use this or even install it even after reading the ReadMe U feel so stupid cause i'm normally good at this stuff haha but anyways can anyone help me out with this :|

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Do i really need to add a "How to extract" category in the tutorial.

all you do is extract the files to a directory, and click on start.exe

and read the read me file.

The tutorial i am releasing will not cover THE UNIFORM EDITOR. It's been around for too long and people know how to use it quite well.

It will cover All of Create-a-Team, Logo Replacer, Bmp Organizer, Team Franchise Name Changer.

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