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Surely someone can help me with this problem


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Hi all, well i had no response to this issue it goes as follows i have extracted the stadium updates into my c:program filesea sportsmvp baseball 2004datastadium folder and they will not show up in the game i live in australia and have no problem extracting other files into games and i am getting pretty annoyed about this can anyone give me some suggestions as to why this is not working i am sure there is someone out there who can suggest something. Should it matter what resolution the game should be in?? am i missing something?? Thanks to anyone who can help me solve this mystery.

Cheers Gibbo. :banghead:

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What is the file name? Is the stadium file a .big (such as: wrigday.big), or is it a .fsh file (such as: cram32.fsh)? If it is the .big file, you should be able to simply put it in your /data/stadium directory. If it is a .fsh file, it should be called cram32.fsh, and in this case you need to pack it into the .big file.

If you are running gfxpak from your main MVP directory (with the proper cram32.fsh also there), use:

gfxpak -p datastadium/wrigday.big cram32.fsh

,where "wrigday.big" is the stadium, and time-of-day, you wish to replace.

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oh can i ask you something, what's that beer, you know, something something, "it's australian for beer"

That would be Foster's.

Here in NZ Foster's is a cheap and nasty beer, yet when you go overseas, it's got these "import" labels on it, like it's stella artois or something Apparently the Foster's Beer sold in the US is made in Canada.

I guess their slogan should be "it's australian for beer, eh"

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Hey dudes it is the .big file, that is what is so annoying about the whole thing it should be working fine but it aint!!!!!!!

And yes foster's sucks big time i dont ever know how that beer became the face of australian beer. So sad really.

So if you have any other suggestions please by all means, all i wanna see is the updated stadiums!!

Cheers Gibbo.

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When you put the file in that folder, did a dialog box pop up to confirm that you wanted to overwrite the existing file? If so, maybe you clicked "No" accidentally. If not, then it's possible you put them in the wrong folder. Is there now a folder WITHIN the stadiums folder? It's possible that the .big files are in that folder, in which case you should move them back to datastadiums.

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Nah i did push overwrite the existing file and it does not work, well guys it seems this is one for the unsolved mysteries folder. I did all i was supposed to do and i know all you think that i am stoopid but i did as i was told and well it does not work. Thanks for all of your replies .

Cheers Gibbo.

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A Huge thanks to CaliColts i that thread was my solution to the problem i didnt know that you had to run hte 32 bit color and High resolution stadiums......DER!!!!!!!!!!! So thanks buddy boy i can now update all my stadiums and look like the real thing.

Cheers Gibbo. :D:):lol: 8)

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