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Historic MVP 2004...an idea


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today i had an idea for a historic version 0f MVP 2004. bascally what you would do is install mvp 2004 on your computer again so you have it on twice. then use the second one as the base for historic teams that some modders are making. instead of overwriting a AAA or AA team to put one of the historic teams in the game just overwrite a MLB team on the second install or what i like to call the "Historic" version. this way you can put all your old school teams and players in one game. you have 30 MLB AAA and AA teams that you could overwrite with "Historic" teams. I think you could also overwrite the 2 allstar teams but not 100% sure. this was just an idea that came to me because i liked the idea of having the 1961 yankees or the 1986 mets and red sox but i didnt want to overwrite any teams. let me know what you guys think.

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you cant install it twice. Once you install it, its there. You try and install again and all it does is overwrite everything. You wont get a clone

not true i just did it. all you have to do is move your original mvpbaseball2004 directory somewhere else then uninstall the game. then reinstall the game. once installed change the name of the new mvpbaseball to historicmvp and put the old mvpbaseball directory back in the EA folder. you then should have an mvpbaseball 2004 file and historic mvp baseball 2004 file. make a shortcut for the exe from the historic file and label it historic mvp and it will run that version of it. i also downloaded the second patch for it so the lefty bug and other stuff is fixed. i double checked and it works.

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so what your talking about is installing team packages right? or something else?

because i really want this whole team package idea to catch on because me and yanks763 can't be the only ones releasing team packages. I hope people start making their own after i release the tutorial.

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so what your talking about is installing team packages right? or something else?

because i really want this whole team package idea to catch on because me and yanks763 can't be the only ones releasing team packages. I hope people start making their own after i release the tutorial.

yeah. i didnt want to overwrite any teams so i was trying to find a way to still be able to use those team packages . i installed the game on my comp twice. one for regular teams the other for team packages like the 1927 yankees and such. i call that version "Historic MVP Baseball". now i get the best of both worlds :D

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because i really want this whole team package idea to catch on because me and yanks763 can't be the only ones releasing team packages. I hope people start making their own after i release the tutorial.

I am about to, time willing, start fooling around with creating teams. It might be a while before I am ready to upload anything, seeing as this is going to be my first attempt at my own mods, not just installing others. But if I get comfortable enough with it and am reasonably happy with my work, I will upload it here. Just wanted to let Fuzz know that this idea is at least trying to catch on. Also, I should be getting the Neyer/James Guide to Pitching tommorrow, so if anyone needs help with who threw what pitches, I should be able to help. I'll post a thread tommorrow if I do get it (which I should) and if anyone is interested in this info.

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so what your talking about is installing team packages right? or something else?

because i really want this whole team package idea to catch on because me and yanks763 can't be the only ones releasing team packages. I hope people start making their own after i release the tutorial.

I haven't used the FuzZone editor for my '92 replay season for two reasons:

1) Just using MVPEdit, I can import & export .mbe files at will, so I can change back & forth between the current rosters, TotalMinors, Kerm's and my 1992 roster as my default rosters without changing anything else. I can also demote players to the related minor-league teams to get down to a 25 man roster, but they still remain property of that organization. Once I get to that stage, MVPEdit can also serve to import player portraits.

2) If I use FuzZone to import & export individual teams, it takes all the hard work I did in MVPEdit and changes them all back into GENERIC players :banghead: (the first three or four times, I thought it was just me!)

Now, this is just me. My historic roster is fairly recent, so a lot of other stuff (uni's, logos etc.) remains substantially the same. I'd like to be able to change other things- number of teams, divisions, etc. that MVPEdit can't do. But above all, I value the flexibility that MPVEdit gives me.

I hope this input is constructive- I don't want you to think I don't appreciate your hard work (I have used it to imp/exp uni's). MVPEdit just gives me more of what I want.

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