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What exactly is this mvp 06 Mod? Please help, noob here!


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Guys I have been almost crying that EA is not releasing MVP 06 officially ... only the crappy college MPV 06 NCAA game ( Not a big college ball fan sorry all).

I almost jumped up out of my chair when I read there is an official mvp 06 Mod.

What exactly is this though.

Like an attempt to make an mvp 06 for the major leagues? This sounds REAL AWESOME, I just am not sure what this is all about.

Can anyone explain to me sorry for being so noob, thanks all!

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Well, from what I have seen, the MVP2006 mods update all kinds' of stuff, starting with rosters, stadiums,some overlays, audio, the game soundtrack. The readme explains everything, try it. IT IS F'EN OWESOME..Some very talented modders out there.

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Oh my god I am very excited!!

Guys do you recommend I download the "In like flint" version? Or the "Living large" version?

Again thank you very much for the fast replies! I cannot wait to try this mod, looks very profesionally done. Thanks in advance for replies.

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Yea I didn't realize their releasing a final version on opening day of the 06 season, reading helps I guess lol

Has anyone experienced choppyness issues at all with this mod? I had crazy choppy / frames per second issues with 06 at first untill EA released that one patch, that fixed the lag/choppyness issues 100%. The game was really unplayable before that patch.

Has anyone been reverted back to the old choppyness problems at all with this new mod? Thats my only concern. Thanks again guys.

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