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Team Packages Request


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not sure if there is a thread on this already. if so i will apologize in advance. basically this is a thread for ideas on team packages that the modders could do. the ones already done that i know of are:

1919 White Sox

1927 Yankees

1961 NY Yankees

1977 Reds

1986 Boston Redsox

1986 N.Y. Mets

1960 Pirates

1964 Colts

1964 Cubs

1969 Pilots

1987 Cardinals

1988 Dodgers

1990 Reds

1957 Dodgers

1965 Washington Senators

heres some ideas i have:

1977/78 Yankees

1969 Mets

1941 Yankees

1941 Red Sox

1971 Pirates

1954 New York Giants

1975 Reds

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whoa..i didn't realize there were that many team packages released. time sure does fly by.

someone i know is working on the 1973 Mets Package and 1978 Yankees package and he should upload them soon enough.

I myself don't think i'll be working on any more packages (maybe).

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