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A Quick Thank You...

The Dynasty

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Hey guys,

I was talking to my main squeeze last night about the College Hoops 2K6 game she purchased for me the other day for XBox. She thought it was amazing (but "cute") that a senior in college could be so passionate about sports video games like I am, and she asked me to rank my favorite sports/sports video games:


2.NCAA Football

3.NCAA Basketball

And I was telling her how stoked I was about the fact that I got MVP06. Needless to say she was confused. Seeing that I have a press conference for all of my game purchases, she was wondering when I bought MVP06. Well I told her about the unbelievable job by this community to put together arguably the greatest sports game of all time. She asked, "Wow, that's amazing. They did a lot of work. Do they get paid? Do you have to pay for the mod?" Well I guess we all know the answer to that :lol: .

I guess that's when it hit me. You guys really put a lot of work into this game to make it (I can't even find a word), and I really thank you. There's guys out there like me that really don't have the skills in order to help you guys out with these mods, so we really are privileged to have our hands on this mod.

So on behalf of everyone on this board, thank you to all modders on this board. Your work is very much appreciated. Thanks for helping me get my fix of the greatest game on earth. It honestly puts me in a helluvalot of a better mood. Thanks again.

The Dynasty

Edit: Go Yanks in 2006!!! (sorry, had to add that in :wink: )

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In 3 years, with key free agent aquisitions and a new stadium, that team will be a Championship contender. Mark my words. I'm actually going to use them in my dynasty when MVP06 is released.

No doubt; they're doing exactly what they did after they won the WS in 97; stocking up on good young talent for a run at the playoffs in a couple years. Although who knows if they'll be in a different city in a couple years...

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First off, great post Mr. Dynasty, and second of all, in a couple years everyone will be going around using my nickname for one certain player on the Marlins. That player happens to be Josh Willingham and the nickname is J Willy. Trust me, Stuart Scott already stole a couple nicknames, so I will not post anymore, lol.

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