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what is GFXPAK and how can i get it


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while i was downloading a stadium mod it sayed i need GFXPAK so i went to tools and editor and installed it but i dont know what to do, so i cant include stadium mods or uniform mods. So if you have the solution to my problem please help me out.

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Usually a stadium (or uniform or portrait) mod will include a batch file with it (named installXXX.bat or XXXinstall.bat). The batch file will run gfxpak to install the mod.

What you will want to do is put gfxpak in the same folder (or directory) that you extract or copy the mod files. The mod should have a readme file that explains where to copy the mod files and how to install them.

If you have a stadium mod that consists of just a .big file, then you won't need gfxpak. It's just needed for those mods that have .fsh files.

Keep asking questions if you need more help.

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It's the program that allows us to unpack and repack the various .big files found in many EA titles. You can get it in the downloads section here, under "Tools and Utilities" if I recall correctly. Many mods will include it with their zip because it's a fairly small file.

The program itself is not the most user friendly thing around...it operates on a command line basis with different switches to tell it what to do....

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