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Help...trying to install team packages


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After I've gone through all the steps, which seem to have been completed successfully-when I load the game, the menu letters are all garbled and can't use. Anyone have any idea what went wrong. The first couple of teams I installed did fine, but now I can't get to work. Help...........


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Now, I've installed all the teams packages. When I go into the game roster management & try to exit, it won't let me, says that Mariners don't have minimum amount of players on roster. When I check their roster, they have 25 men. It asks if I want computer to adjust rosters. When I say Yes, it doesn't do anything, If I say no, it won't let me exit screen. I

have spent several hours on this & am really frustrated. Any help appreciated.


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i checked it out and found a similar problem. i went into mvp edit and found out that the 73 angels lineup were fine except a dh spot wasnt selected for the AL lineups. go into mvp edit put a player into the empty slot and export the dat files back into the game. that should fix the problem. at least it did for me.

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