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Having some fun with Total Classics


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That was a fun read and the presentation was excellent. It is something I have always said I would like to do for an entire season but have yet to allow myself to take the time to do. I seem to always be too impatient to get to the next game.

Someday I still would like to do it but until then I will certainly enjoy reading more from you if you are so kind as to continue sending these our way.

I really enjoyed it ...............

Thanks PaulW,


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My main reason for putting this article together was just to show how far with a little imagination you can go with Total Classics. It's my way of saying thanks and hopefully adding another promotional piece for TC. (I guess the stadium is pretty nice too) ;-)

I know I've mentioned this before but the reason I like to play "classic" baseball is it takes me away for awhile. It's the fantasy that I really enjoy. I can watch the Brewers lose to the Astros tonight on T.V.-I don't have to relive it in "regular" MVP.

I remember some of my first books as a kid - "The Boys of Summer", "The Stan Musial Story" and others. Those sure were different times in so many ways. I guess it also shows I've been out on life's road for quite awhile and while my step gets slower, and my aches and pains get bigger, I can still blast one into the upper deck in right in old-time Yankee Stadium off Bob Feller. Yeah, I guess there really is something to say for a little imagination - it can go a long ways. Once again - thanks...

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I always thought that if there was a way to program a newspaper style recap of the game from a box score or play by play capture, that it would be the final piece in making this game as realistic as possible! If someone could figure out how to do that and not make each recap repetitive..well...genius at work.

I do remember someone actually did this with the FBPRO 98 game from Sierra....created a 3rd party utility that parsed the play by play and then automatically generated a newspaper style account. Just awesome!


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I always thought that if there was a way to program a newspaper style recap of the game from a box score or play by play capture, that it would be the final piece in making this game as realistic as possible! If someone could figure out how to do that and not make each recap repetitive..well...genius at work.

I do remember someone actually did this with the FBPRO 98 game from Sierra....created a 3rd party utility that parsed the play by play and then automatically generated a newspaper style account. Just awesome!


Now *THAT* would be cool but man oh man there sure would have to be some AI to pull it off.

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I always thought that if there was a way to program a newspaper style recap of the game from a box score or play by play capture, that it would be the final piece in making this game as realistic as possible! If someone could figure out how to do that and not make each recap repetitive..well...genius at work.

I do remember someone actually did this with the FBPRO 98 game from Sierra....created a 3rd party utility that parsed the play by play and then automatically generated a newspaper style account. Just awesome!


That would be awesome.

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